Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Christmas Shopping Tips

Before you run out and finish your Christmas shopping make a list and place a few ideas next to each name on your list. Remember to place your list in a secure place so that someone on your Christmas List will not see it.
You will need to remember when placing your bags in your car or truck make sure they are not in plain site for anyone to see. Remember lock your car or truck up after placing items inside. Do not leave money or items in your car or truck people can see.

Pick pockets are out at this time of year keep all your money inside a zipper area on inner pocket to make it harder for someone to get at your valuables. Do not leave your packages unattended while placing a child in the car.

Keep your eyes open and know who is around you. If you feel something is wrong make sure you ask a security officer to walk you to your car. Its better to be over protected then have something happen to you. Lock your door when getting into your car or truck them place your seat belt on. It only takes a moment for someone to open your car door.

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Come Holiday Shop With Us At Happy Holiday Gifts Store

With the Christmas Holiday SOON TO BE IN full swing why not shop on line today. Come into our store and enjoy your stay as we have lots to choose from here at The Happy Holiday Gift Store.